Mingxuan Cai

City University of Hong Kong

Email: mingxcaiATcityu.edu.hk

Address: YEUNG-G5752, City University of Hong Kong

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics, City University of Hong Kong. I obtained my PhD degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology supervised by Prof. Can Yang. My broad area of interest lies in statistical machine learning and data science with applications in genetics and genomics data. I have been working on scalable statistical methods for high dimensional regression problems, integrative analysis of multi-omics data, and cross-population genetics for association mapping and polygenic risk prediction.

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My GooGle Scholar citation

Selected publications

  1. Nat Commun
    XMAP: Cross-population fine-mapping by leveraging genetic diversity and accounting for confounding bias
    Cai, Mingxuan, Wang, Zhiwei, Xiao, Jiashun, Hu, Xianghong, Chen, Gang, and Yang, Can
    Nature Communications 2023
  2. AJHG
    Leveraging the local genetic structure for trans-ancestry association mapping
    Xiao, Jiashun, Cai, Mingxuan, Yu, Xinyi, Hu, Xianghong, Wan, Xiang, Chen, Gang, and Yang, Can
    The American Journal of Human Genetics 2022
  3. Bioinformatics
    XPXP: Improving polygenic prediction by cross-population and cross-phenotype analysis
    Xiao, Jiashun, Cai, Mingxuan, Hu, Xianghong, Wan, Xiang, Chen, Gang, and Yang, Can
    Bioinformatics 2022
  4. AJHG
    A unified framework for cross-population trait prediction by leveraging the genetic correlation of polygenic traits
    Cai, Mingxuan, Xiao, Jiashun, Zhang, Shunkang, Wan, Xiang, Zhao, Hongyu, Chen, Gang, and Yang, Can
    The American Journal of Human Genetics 2021
    IGREX for quantifying the impact of genetically regulated expression on phenotypes
    Cai, Mingxuan, Chen, Lin S, Liu, Jin, and Yang, Can
    NAR genomics and bioinformatics 2020
  6. JCGS
    BIVAS: a scalable Bayesian method for bi-level variable selection with applications
    Cai, Mingxuan, Dai, Mingwei, Ming, Jingsi, Peng, Heng, Liu, Jin, and Yang, Can
    Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2020